Marketing through the Schaumburg Business Association is a dynamic way to increase your brands visibility and recognition in the membership. There are a wide range of ways to maximize these benefits and can be used uniquely to your needs. Check out the options below and contact Marketing & Communications Manager, Christina Cox for more information, bundle pricing or scheduling!
SBA E-Mail Marketing Campaigns
• Weeks 1 & 3 of the month, you will receive Member News
• Weeks 2 & 4 of the month, you will receive Events on Deck
• If the month includes a week 5, you will receive a special Membership E-Mail
Member News Submissions
• Membership comes with 8 Free ads per year to be placed at the members discretion – by filling out this online form.
• Once all free ads are used, you can still utilize member news ads for $50 per additional submission. If you wish to place 6 or more, you can bundle them for $25 per additional ad.
Member Banner Ad - $100 each. (NEW)
• The banner ad at the base of the member news section. It gives additional space and attention for the member news section.
Member Spotlight - $200 each.
• Gives you the top placement in the newsletter, an ad on the front page of our website, and a social share. (Bundle pricing available)
Member Sponsored E-Blast - $400 each.
• This is a completely customizable e-blast that goes out to our entire email base.
(Special News Banner)
Other ways to increase your visibility!
Online Member Profile (Basic (complimentary) or Enhanced ($150)) to help increase your overall SEO, learn why an enhanced member profile is worth every penny, here!
Free Excel mailing list to all members
All members are published in our annual Business Resource Guide which is distributed to over 8,000 businesses locally
Event and Sponsorship opportunities including display tables and supporting sponsorship
Member-to-Member discounts for you to use or to put out to entice other members to engage with you
Ribbon Cuttings
If you are planning a grand opening ribbon cutting celebration for your business in Schaumburg, make sure to reach out to Kristeen Riforgiato our community partner at the Village of Schaumburg!
Additional for SBA members:
• Provide the scissors and ribbon for your dignitaries to cut
•An invitation to all Schaumburg Business Association members through our Member News, and social media
•Promoted on our SBA calendar
•Digital photos to be posted on social media and submitted to our media partners