Networking, breakfast, and workforce was the core of April’s Good Morning Schaumburg. With discussions from the Chicago Cook County Workforce Partnership and Acara Solutions made for the perfect Good Morning Schaumburg. Featuring keynote address from Karin Norington-Reaves, the founding President/CEO of Chicago Cook County Workforce Partnership, discussing the development and implementation of effective programs that assure alignment between the skills demanded local employers and the ever-changing economy. Chris Beckage provide actionable advice for addressing the skills gaps. Beckage serves as Senior Vice President of North America for Acara Solutions, providing industry-leading talent solutions for acquiring and retaining top class talent leveraging that experience to continually refine and improve Acara’s business development efforts.
Both Norington-Reaves and Beckage spoke on Workforce Hide-and-Seek discovering the hidden workforce capital existing in your community. Norington-Reaves provided an interesting observation during her presentation was live-sourcing crowd for what percent of college graduates are not prepared for work and in real-time the SBA was able to capture and report that 58% of employers find that college graduates are not adequately prepared for work. This insight gained by technological incorporate allowed Good Morning Schaumburg to sample the audience to understand how many people had children around the age of eight years old, and proposed that their children may work in a job, or industry, that has not yet been invented. Norington-Reaves stated that 65% of today’s grade school children who will work in jobs that haven’t been invented yet.
Beckage built on the evidence and data collected, shared, during the Chicago Cook County Workforce Partnership by addressing best practices and methods to attract the best talent at the most affordable cost. One shocking estimation is that employers lose $14,000 for every job that remains open for longer than three months. With this type of economic loss employers have to be compelling when filling your open positions. Though techniques and approaches can vary because of society’s use and familiarity with smartphones job postings should be interactive, fast, and engaging. To gain deeper insight please click the link to read more:
With over 90 business leaders in attendance the April Good Morning Schaumburg was an insightful event that featured lots of value-added content and discussion. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend Good Morning Schaumburg. We are excited for the rest of April’s programming which includes our monthly Business after Hours, our quarterly Leadership Luncheon series devoted to company culture and employee engagement and of course, in May our Golf Classic! Hope to see you at all of these events building out the relationships.