The SBA helped to celebrate the start of baseball season with an incredible event! Business After Hours at Lavelle Law is always a great time! A huge thank you to Lavelle Law for welcoming the SBA into their office and making things run smoothly. Not only was the networking flowing, but there were signature drinks and opportunity�s to win raffles! Like last year, Lavelle Law had a baseball theme where attendees had the chance to visit different vendors to try out signature drinks. Each person visited each �base� and entered into a chance to win prizes!
Delicious tasty bites were provided by Global Gyros. To highlight the new Schaumburg Boomers� Jim Beam Club, the Boomers offered a signature event cocktail, "BEAM BALL". Of course, there was plenty of �COLD BEER HERE� as well as wine.
Rich Eisenhuth, Chairman of the Ambassador Committee stated, �Lavelle Law is an energetic participant with the SBA. Their baseball themed, annual After Hours event is a great kick-off to Spring. Lavelle�s festive event is always well planned with their employees enthusiastically serving members with a smile. Fellow attendees have shared with me the great time they experienced connecting, having some laughs and enjoying the food and drinks provided by Global Gyros and the Schaumburg Boomers. Thanks Lavelle for going the extra mile once again!�
SBA member Gil Vaquero from Andigo stated, �As a young professional new to the SBA, it�s nice to see how events like these bring everyone together from the Schaumburg community. I�m excited to continue to attend SBA outings like these and make meaningful connections with professionals around the area. Thank you to the SBA and Lavelle law for hosting!�
This Business After Hours had 120 in attendance. We look forward to seeing you all at Leadership Luncheon on the 24th as well as Coffee and Contacts on the 25!