2019 New Business Laws for Illinois

Accompanying the fireworks and confetti that welcomed 2019 were hundreds of new Illinois laws that will a direct impact on the Schaumburg businesses. With legislation impacting Illinois’ agriculture, natural resources, labor, commerce, consumers, taxes, revenue, and transportation the policy implications from 2018 will be resolved over the next year.

With legislation stretching across numerous industries and sectors the Schaumburg Business Association has tracked the most impingement business policies that took place on January 1st and with the help of partners - like Patch.com - provided a synopsis of the act’s impact to our business community. The following are the newest policies and public acts effecting businesses in Schaumburg and Illinois:

  • Equal Pay Summary: Amends the Equal Pay Act of 2003. Provides that no employer may discriminate between employees by paying wages to an African-American employee at a rate less than the rate at which the employer pays wages to another employee who is not African-American for the same or substantially similar work on a job that requires equal skill, effort, and responsibility and is performed under similar working conditions.
  • Sexual Harassment Training: Provides that professions that have continuing education requirements must provide at least one hour of sexual harassment prevention training to be included for license renewals occurring on or after January 1, 2020.
  • Wage Payment Expenses: Requires employers to reimburse employees for their necessary costs incurred in order to fulfill their job responsibilities, including for "bring your own device" policies which require employees to use personal cell phones, tablets or computers for work purposes.
  • EDGE Tax Credit and Sexual Harassment: Requires a sexual harassment policy for all companies that make a bid under the state's procurement code and requires companies that claim EDGE credits to include their sexual harassment policy in their annual report to the State.
  • Industry Development Assistance: A local school district or community college may apply for DCEO grants for the acquisition of land, construction of facilities, and purchase of equipment, dedicated solely to the instruction of occupations in manufacturing.    
  • Commercial Driver Safety Test:  Allows truck tractors, semi-trailers, or property-carrying vehicles weighing 10,000 to 26,000 pounds to be safety tested every 12 months 
  • Income Tax Angel Investment Credit: DCEO initiative that is a trailer bill to their omnibus Angel Investment credit bill, SB 2012, which passed in spring of 2017. Revises definitions of "applicant" and "related member," and clarifies the utilization timeline for "set-aside" credits.

The following capture just a portion of the business-related policies that took effect starting January 1st. As part of the Schaumburg Business Association’s effort to promote a strong business climate through advocacy and government affairs the SBA is committed educating our members on public policy agenda in Springfield. If you would like to discuss 2019’s new policies or meet with a state or federal elected official please contact the SBA and we would be happy to integrate your business with state policy.

[1] Thank you to Patch.com for providing the synopsis for policies 3- 10