Upcoming Disability and Senior Events

February 20, 2024
Chicago Wolves vs. Milwaukee Admirals
Thursday, February 22 | 9am | $45
Registration deadline: February 21
Grab your jacket and cheer on the Chicago Wolves as they take on the Milwaukee Admirals! Puck drops at 11am. Lunch is on your own at the game. Fee includes a Level 100 seat and transportation. Payment due at registration via cash, check or card.
10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's
Wednesday, February 28 | 10:30am | FREE
Registration deadline: February 27

Alzheimer's causes changes in memory, thinking and behavior that are not normal aging. Join us to learn about:
• The difference between normal aging and Alzheimer's
• Common warning signs
• The importance of early detection and benefits of diagnosis
• Next steps and expectations for the diagnostic process
• Alzheimer's Association resources
This educational program is presented by the Alzheimer's Association. REGISTER HERE

In the Heights
Wednesday, March 6 | 10am | $95 - NEW DATE!
Registration deadline: March 5
Our previous trip to Marriott Theatre to see In the Heights was postponed. Tickets are still available for the new date!
In the Heights tells the story of the corner bodega, where the coffee is hot, and filled with cream and sugar. The apartment windows are always open to listen to the percussive rhythm of the lively city and generations of dreams. The community is on the edge of change and the struggle to decide which traditions should be left behind and which ones should be taken with you. Fee includes lunch, show and transportation.