Over 40 vendors invite you to explore a wide selection of products and services:
Holistic therapies, supplements, natural cosmetics, sports and recreation
Take advantage of free consultations by specialists in natural medicine.
This seminal event for health aficionados aims to educate residents on maintaining well-being in harmony with nature.
Attendees will gain the opportunity to participate in expert-led seminars, receive guidance on health and wellness and discover the latest health-forward trends. Entrepreneurs will find this to be an apt setting for forging new connections, sharing innovative solutions and promoting eco-friendly products.
Organizers promise a bevy of attractions including keynotes from specialists and a chance to explore offerings from companies that specialize in chemical- and pesticide-free products.
This convergence serves as the perfect venue to understand that “prevention is better than cure” and a healthy lifestyle is an investment in our future path.
Free admission
You'll have a blast and find just what you need at the fourth Annual Wellness Trends Health Living Expo.
Each attendee can enter a raffle with attractive prizes!
So bring a friend and enjoy a fun, insight-filled weekend with Wellness Trends Targi Zdrowego Stylu Zycia
Let us unite for health and harmony with nature!
Location: 1939 N. Meacham Rd., Schaumburg.
Barbara Gryczka & Sylvia Lisiecki, Co-organizers and Founders of Wellness Trends