IL Dept. or Commerce & Economic Opportunity – Office of Employment and Training / Illinois workNet is launching a new, online website platform created to attract and remotely connect employers seekingqualified applicants with job seekers looking for long-term employment.
https://www.illinoisworknet.com/ The Illinois workNet® platform is a proven technology that connects workforce and economic allies with seamless and real-time access to workforce development resources aimed at individuals, employers, and workforce/educationpartners throughout the state to innovate, collaborate, expand and grow.
Employers looking for a free and easy way toadvertise and connect remotely with qualified job applicants and schedule apersonalized web-based presentation/job fair event to connect and fill jobopenings. Job Seekers looking for free and easy way to remotely learn, interact directly with employer human resource coordinators and applyfor jobs available right now.
Please provide the following information to save a spot on the new IwN Virtual JobFair site to host your customized, free of charge, live, online job fair:
Employer Name
Employer Physical Address (Street/State/Zip)
Employer Website Address
Approximate Number of Available Positions
Location of Online Job Postings
(Listing of Jobs/Application)
Picture of Company Logo
Brief Company Description
Primary Contact Name for Virtual Booth and VJF
Primary Contact Email for Virtual Booth and VJF
Social Media Links
To sign up, email the above information to Patti Schnoor Patricia.Schnoor@illinois.gov and CC Olivia Miller - olivia.miller@siu.edu & Natasha Telger - Natasha.Telger@siu.edu. For more information, email Patti.