Are you interested in being a sponsor the Elderwerks Virtual Fair? Please email help@elderwerks.orgor visit our website at www.elderwerks.organd click Resources- Articles & Guides to find more information. We are accepting new sponsors until July 10th. Benefits of a general sponsor include a listing of your business with a description of your services, a logo, and a 20 second commercial on our website for a full year! Your business will also be listed on each of the slideshow presentations and within the class schedule in newspaper advertising. We are advertising the Virtual Senior Fair in the Northwest Herald, Daily Herald, Chicago Tribune, and Kane County News.
For those interested in attending classes live, please click the link to checkout the topics. If you are interested in registering for a virtual class,please email events@elderwerks.orgto reserve your spot. The classes will also be available after the event on social media.
Please call 847-462-0885 if you have any questions about the Elderwerks Virtual Senior Fair.