Creating The New Normal

June 9, 2020
New Ideas for a new normal
We hope you and your team are and remain well during this crazy yet historical time.
We are working diligently to collect what we have learned from our participation in our clients Business Continuity Plans. These exercises continue to teach us how to see our services through your lenses. Moving forward in both normal and business continuity operations, we would like to know if you would be interested in a new service option:
The working name is USM Vision:
U.S. Messenger and our technology partners are working on creating a program which will gain early notification of your expected FedEx and UPS shipments, notify the carriers customer service department to pull those shipments off route and set them aside for U.S. Messenger early pickup; seamlessly and automatically.
Would you be interested in potentially receiving your FedEx and UPS parcels about 2 to 2.5 hours early daily?
Would you be interested in the ability to easily redirect your FedEx and UPS parcels to an alternate delivery address during business continuity operations?
If you are currently on a “Caller Services” Program from the Post Office, you are already familiar with the benefits of receiving your mail early through U.S. Messenger. USM Vision is Caller Service for FedEx and UPS.
Please e-mail stating you would be or would not be interested in hearing more about this new service.
Thank you for helping our team create solutions for the future.