Cook County American Rescue Plan Act Community Survey

August 3, 2021

On March 11, 2021, President Joseph R. Biden signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). ARPA is an ambitious initiative to stimulate the American economy, support residents, and curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Cook County will directly receive over $1 billion from the federal government through ARPA and is in the process of developing a responsible, comprehensive, and equitable spending plan to strategically use these one-time resources to support both immediate recovery needs and long-term transformative initiatives.

To ensure the best use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) resources, Cook County will:

•Target ARPA funding to support County policy priorities;

•Center decision-making on core values of equity, engagement, and excellence;

•Build on foundation of existing County and regional efforts, including Cook County PolicyRoadmap: Five-Year Strategic Plan for Offices Under the President, the Cook CountyEquity Fund and We Rise Together;

•Avoid duplication of resources; leverage existing efforts and infrastructure;

•Maximize all ARPA funding by cross-mapping initiatives against more restrictive fundingstreams first;

•Implement best practices from the COVID-19 response.

•Stand-up additional capacity, infrastructure, and expertise early;

•Offer technical assistance to local governments regarding effective administration ofARPA Funds;

•Maintain flexibility to reallocate funding as needs and federal guidance evolve;

•Use one-time funds for one-time uses, or have a path to sustainability.

Cook County is seeking community input to guide its spending plan for its American Rescue Plan Act funding. This survey is an initial step in this community engagement plan. In addition to this online survey, Cook County will conduct a broad community engagement process that includes a dedicated website and public meetings in the near future.

Please submit your input by 11:59pm on Friday, August 31, 2021.

Survey may be completed here.